Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mysteries of the Bible (1)

Today, I start a new writing project here on my blog.  I hope you enjoy it.   I will  be working on it to edit and refine it on a regular basis.  Your comments and suggestion are welcome.   My plan is to have one new article daily for the next 365 days.   When completed, I then hope to have all of these published in a book.   We shall see.

The articles will be on,  GREAT MYSTERIES OF THE BIBLE.   I have been studying the Bible for at least 53 years or as soon as I could read.   I have studied greatly on my own.   However, I have studied in the undergraduate and graduate levels of accredited Colleges and sought to gain more and more knowledge through the years.   I give them much thought to the Bible on a regular basis.  I hope to share with you my outlook and my excitement of the greatest book in the world, THE HOLY BIBLE.

Yes, I believe there are great mysteries in the Bible.   The Bible is a book of power and a book that has come from the mind of Almighty God,  and thus possesses  magic and awesome spiritual power. (By "magic" I simply mean a sometimes unexplained power, I shall write on such later in this series).   Yes, I said, magic.   By such I mean the mystical and spiritual power to transform lives and take one from this physical existence to the spiritual realms of God.     As such there is much we do understand and much we will never fully comprehend in this great book.   It is like the ocean, large and deep and expansive in its reach.   Can any man ever fully comprehend the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean?   Can any mortal fully grasp all the richness of the Bible?   I think not.  

One may ask, what value is there to the study of mysteries of the Bible?   I believe it helps us see the greatness of the Bible.   It helps us better comprehend the excitement and joy of the Bible.   It will challenge us to deeper study and more excitement in our study.   Many have come to the conclusion that the Bible cannot be understood and that the Bible is irrelevant to our lives.   Such could never be so far from the truth.   It can be understood as a road map to heaven.   The great mysteries may never be fully understood and yet there is a lesson even in that.   The mysteries of the Bible shows the great mind of the Almighty and beckon us to come forth and investigate the great great treasures of the Word.

So, come with me now on a journey over the next year and read this series daily.   Read and ponder the great mysteries of the greatest book on earth.  Let your mind wander into uncharted territory and see the possibilities.   Great is the God we believe in and great is the vast unknown of the Almighty!   Let us give ourselves to  humility and submission to Him and glorify  His name for eternity.

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