Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mysteries Of The BIble (11)

Oh, the glory that is the Bible.  God's hand has been and is upon it.   When you read the words of the Bible, y ou will have a closeness to the Almighty God, Ruler of all!  Our magnificient God!  We can know much of the Bible but we will never master it fully.   Such is the nature of God and all his creation, including the Bible.   It is all too glorious for us mere mortals to fully master.   But, that is ok, even the unknown, and the mystery, can amaze us and astonish us in so many ways.

The mystery of the Bible can teach us many things.   As we move through this series, I hope you sense that, and that it helps you.

In our previous installments we set forth the argument for the inspiration and the glorious mystery of the Bible.   Here it is again:

If the Bible fully claims to be the book of God, exhibits complete and total historical accuracy from Genesis to Revelation, and if, it exhibits total scientific accuracy, (that is, when it speaks of anything related to Science, it always speaks in total accuracy),  is free of all errors and mistakes of any form, possess  a remarkable unity, has a world view that is true and unique to the age of the writings (Bible), contains within its pages predictions about the future that would be impossible for humans to know and that had clear and precise fulfillments (predictive prophecy), has a presentation of reality in life that is unique, true, and unknown to the times in which the books were written, and has other demonstrations that prove it is a book of divine (supernatural) origins, then it is indeed, THE WORD OF GOD.

The Bible does exhibit claims to be the  book of God, exhibits complete and total historical accuracy from Genesis to Revelation, it exhibits total scientific accuracy, (that is, when it speaks of anything related to Science, it always speaks in total accuracy),  is free of all errors and mistakes of any form, possess  a remarkable unity, has a world view that is true and unique to the age of the writings (Bible), contains within its pages,  predictions about the future that would be impossible for humans to know and that had clear and precise fulfillments  (predictive prophecy), has a presentation of reality in life that is unique, true, and unknown to the times in which the books were written, and has other demonstrations that prove it is a book of divine (supernatural) origins.

Therefore, the Holy Bible is most certainly, the Word of God!

Now, we turn our attention to the study of, and the mystery of, the Bible, as manifested in its GLORIOUS UNITY.

What do we mean by the unity of the Bible?  We are talking about how the Bible from Genesis to Revelation forms an amazing unity and harmony.  It all pulls together.  There were 40 different writers and most never knew each other, yet all wrote with one mind.  That one mind was, God!  It is like a great orchestra of all kinds of musical instruments being played.   Then there is the conductor who pulls them all together to bring forth a glorious sound of music.  God is the conductor and for over 1600 years he directed the orchestra of inspiration to give us the Bible.

First, there is a miracle of engineering of the Bible.   It is all one book.   The New Testament completes  the Old Testament and the Old Testament paves the way for the New Testament.  It is all put together like one engineer worked it all.   That engineer is, God.   Brother Roy Deaver use to say, "take a clothes line, put 66 clothespins on the line.   That is the Bible.  The clothes line represents the great theme of the Bible:  the glory of God, the salvation of man, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  All 66 books or clothespins  fit on that glorious them in a magnificent way.

Second, there is a marvelous unity and hormony about the ideas regarding Jesus Christ. There are some 333 prophecies in the OT about Jesus and all fulfilled in the NT.  Amazing.  Jesus Christ is God, (one of the Holy Trinity) and thus was involved in the making of all the Bible and knows every word and its fulfillment.   Amazing! 

Unity of all Doctrine!  The doctrine of man, sin, redemption, love, hate, good, evil, right, wrong, the nature of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, truth, error, mercy, justice, judgment, and so much more, is all portrayed in all the 66 books of the Bible in perfect hormony and unity.   40 men writing over a period of 1600 years,  agreed perfectly  about something  as controversial as religion, amazing.  You cannot get two men today to agree on everything in religion.    This is evidence of inspiration, of the hand of Almighty God!

For more detailed information on this theme, I refer you to the following books:

The above books are works of men.   They have limitations.   I do not necessarily endorse all that is in them,  but I think there is much good in them,  and it can show beyond doubt, the powerful UNITY OF THE BIBLE, which is a miracle and proves it is supernatural in its origin.   There is mystery to this marvellous  unity.   How the Bible over centuries of time speaks with ONE MIND.  A mystery of life, of God!

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