Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mysteries of the Bible (3)

The Holy Bible is full of great mysteries.   We would expect that from a great book that has been given to us by a Divine Power.   A power not of the earth, but a power that is Eternal.  We certainly can understand the instructions that are needed to get us to heaven.   However, there is deep water in the Scriptures that is often murky and difficult to say the least.   Peter the Apostle wrote that Paul had written things, "hard to be understood".   (2 Peter 3:16).

As I have mentioned in a previous article, there is value in pondering the great mysteries of the Bible.   We can the see the power of God, the wisdom of God, and the excitement that is of God.   In the process of studying and thinking on the mysteries of the Bible,  we learn a great deal.   Learning the Bible is always a good thing

Another great mystery about the Bible is this.   How was the Bible transmitted from the mind of God to the mind of the some 40 human writers of the Bible?   We shall not take that deep subject on except to observe a few things here.   The key word is, "INSPIRATION". 

16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.  (2 Tim. 3:16,17).

God literally breathed into the minds of the writers who then wrote down the Words of God.   We call this "inspiration".   It is a mystery in many ways.   How Almighty God gave us His Word.   He not only gave us the Bible by putting the words in the minds of the writers but He guarded the production and distribution of the Bible and He still does.

Perhaps there are mighty Angels that have been given the task of guarding the Word and making it available to all the world.   There are whispers here and there in the Bible that seem to indicate that.   I believe Angels are massive in number and power and organized and have duties and services they perform on behalf of humanity.   That is another mystery that we shall study in a future article.  

For some nearly 1600 years God inspired some 40 men to write the Bible.   He gave them 66 books.   God used humans to accomplish this great task.   He used history to bring it about and thus we see the struggle for the formation of the Cannon.   However, in that struggle God has His way and the end product is truly a miracle.

A meteorite is a  meteoroid  (a solid piece of debris from such sources as asteroids or comets),  originating in outer space that survives impact with the Earth's surface.   The meteorite comes from way out there in space and is hurled  forth to the earth at great speeds and powers and makes impact with the earth.   If one hit your back yard, (and you survived), you would be excited, and jump and scream.   News crews would come to your house and interview you holding a piece of the rock.   However, something far greater that that has happened.   The Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, the Most Powerful,  One, True and Living God has hurled forth His Mighty Word to the earth and to the minds of humans.   We have in the Bible a true miracle and something not of this earth.   It is the Words of the Almighty!  The great mystery of all that was involved in God sending His Word to earth and placing it in a book,  is marvelous to contemplate.   Impossible to fully comprehend.   A true Bible Mystery!

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