Wednesday, July 3, 2013



Many are tired of hearing of it and yet the blood continues to flow. In 1973 the Supreme Court gave virtually unlimited access to abortion by all who seek it. Even minor girls without their parent's knowledge have had access. The butchery goes on and on.

What amazes me is the national conscience or should I say, the lack of a national conscience. Life is life. Innocent life is just that, innocent. Nearly all the abortions are for women who had sex and wanted sex and now pregnant do not want the baby. That is the plain facts. Does the word SIN, come to anyone's attention?

What amazes me as well is that most "Churches" and most "Christians" have been silent on this great evil. Where is the national outrage and alarm?

 Again,  what amazes me is how we can become desensitized. We are numb to the blood, the babies, the death count. Abortion has brought our nation into shame and disgrace before God. On one hand we give out government checks to women who have babies out of wedlock and cant work because they have no marketable skills. Thus,  we reward the immoral with all kinds of goodies. On the other hand we give out tax payer money to kill babies by abortion from women who do not want them. Still, on the other side is massive research money going to offer surgeries for babies still in the womb to save their lives.

Amazing! What a contradiction. Still, another irony is the criminal charges against those that hurt a pregnant mother and she looses her child. Amazing!

Intelligent men and women on both sides of this issue argue their cases. Men and women of renown with Ph.D's argue for the right of the woman to do what she wishes with her body and kill her baby. Both sides have all  the appearances of honorable men and women. Shameful!

This has touched politics!   The Democratic Party has in its platform of national beliefs, PRO ABORTION.    All who run on the Party ticket swear support to the party platform. Shameful! Blood is on their hands. The Republican Party is no better, while professing an anti-abortion stance it has never taken the issue to the forefront to get a national consensus even when they controlled all three branches of government. Then tend to use the issue to get votes just as the Democratic Party panders to the Hispanics to get their votes. All is so shameful! We live in an age of Governmental corruption to a point of unprecedented levels (when you look at the amount of our national budget, historic levels, and the extent of world military power that America holds). I have long sense lost all respect for both political parties and support neither one. I am a Christian and here I stand.

I believe the following words will connect to the abortion epidemic in our land: murder, selfishness, greed, lust, sin, immoral, wretched, vile, heinous, profiteering, shameless, hypocritical, and dammable.

Babies are living human beings and should be respected as such. What does it say about our culture, when we can be so heartless, and cut to pieces little babies in the womb, and then the majority of the nation turns its eyes away ignoring such?

Proverbs 6:16,17

"There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him: ...
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,..."

Back in the 1980's I preached a complete sermon on Sunday morning on the subject of abortion. I was the first preacher in Craighead County, Arkansas to do such (I know this for I met with all the local preachers and asked, I gave them all a complete outline of the message and urged all to take a stand). I wrote a booklet on the subject and it has been widely distributed. I have spoke at Right to Life Groups and marched in protects. I have prayed and prayed.

My heart goes out to those that have had abortions and I know God has mercy to those that repent. My heart goes out to those facing life, pregnant and wondering what to do. However, the answer is to not compound the issue by committing murder.

Oh, what sinful times we live in. Innocent blood is being shed daily all around us. In Hitler's day in Germany they killed the little children and adults of the Jewish heritage by the millions. This they did daily as all the Germans went to school and to work daily and even to their Churches. Such shame!

God is watching America. He hears the heart beat of every little baby in the womb and knows when each one stops due to the murderous hands of the abortion doctors and their staff. Yes, God is watching. The clock of judgment is ticking. In His infinite wisdom, God allows a nation to have power until it fills up its cup of iniquity, and when it does, the Bible says He removes that nation from power. (See Daniel 2:21; 4:17; Leviticus 18:24-28.) America will be no different than other nations of history that rose to power quickly, mocked God, and paid the ultimate price. America if it continues the path it is now on, of mocking God, it will face absolute ruin. That means our economy will collapse completely (look at our national debts and economic woes, it would not take much to bring it down). Our military will face terrible defeats worldwide (our military is tied to our economy, without the hard currency we cannot sustain a world class military). Our health care system will dissolve (it too is tied to our economy and all who are watching knows it is in a very precarious situation). The education system will dissolve overnight (again, all who are watching America know the serious challenges in our education system). We cannot build prisons fast enough to hold the evil doers as more and more corrupt themselves bankrupting our society. The dissolution of the home and family (something that has been happening for decades). Finally, the death of our great Constitutional government and the formation of a absolute dictatorship (the land that is America is here till Jesus comes but the economy and government will be unrecognizable to those now living). Here we are in such evil and our need for God is so great and yet here we are mocking God and rejecting him on a National scale every day.
"In the fourth generation your descendants will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure." (Gen. 15:16). Notice, "the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure". When America's sins reaches its "full measure" then the final end of our civilization will come. Abortion is hastening the day when our national sins will reach their full measure and the wrath of God will be outpoured upon all.

America's history is shameful in that we have been given so much and yet look what we are doing with such today. We as a nation have much to answer for.

I pray that God will have mercy upon us. However, I know even now He is showing mercy, allowing America to stand one more day. But, there will be an end to such. Christians must rise up to evangelize our nation as never before. Tell all of Jesus and His gospel, urge all to repent of evil and turn to Jesus and live for him. Pray for our nation, pray, pray, pray, and live lives of the Light so all may see and give glory to God. Let us be the light of the world and the salt of the earth and transform our culture and Nation.
Thank you God for blessing America, and please oh God let your mighty truth move across our land and heal our people! God be praised! You know where I stand. I stand for God and I stand for the little babies and I speak out on their behalf. I cry for the babies murdered and I cry for America each time one little baby is butchered. Oh God....

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