Wednesday, July 3, 2013


The New United States of America Adopted the Bill of Rights
December 15, 1791
Do you know your Bill of Rights? It is the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, confirming the fundamental rights of American citizens. The new Unite
d States of America adopted them on December 15, 1791. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, and the press, the rights of peaceful assembly and petition.
Let's think about the right to freedom of religion. What if a Supreme Court of the United States rules that the church you are part of is not so protected. What if the high court defines "religion" as that group that is licensed by the Federal Government. What if your church in order to get a license must affirm certain things in society as being moral that you do not believe? In order to get the license as an approved religion you have to affirm things contrary to the Bible. Thus, as a church not approved you have no Constitutional protections and are subject to fines and imprisonment? A shocking idea?

Our beloved Constitution is a great document that protects our freedoms but only if enforced by the three branches of government. Can the words of the Constitution be made to mean anything? If so, then the document has no power or real lasting meaning. Any judge could redefine any word or clause and take away your freedoms.

We as the people must hold our government accountable. I believe the Constitution as it was written and signed originally must stand. Our courts and all government must interpret the Constitution as it was originally defined and presented. We can know what the words originally meant and we should stand with them there. We must not add to them or take from them unless we use the lawful amendment process. I f we want new ideas and thoughts then we must add an amendment and go through the amendment process. The amendment process has been violated and courts are interpreting the beloved Constitution to mean anything they wish and the government and the people are allowing such.

I believe our sacred Constitution has been violated and is being violated and thus the power of this great document is being slowly subverted. This poses grave dangers for all our lives and our children.

What can we do? We must as a nation form a powerful organization that will go after the signatures needed to rid ourselves of judges who are traitors to the Constitution. We must elect men and women who uphold the Constitution. We must challenge every ruling that violates the Constitution in the court system till we win and overturn such. We may have to put a new amendment to the Constitution to take away power from all three branches of government, enforce a balance budget, and hold all legally accountable for their violations of the Constitution with long prison terms. We must be strong and we must work hard to preserve our freedoms are we will wake up one morning and find that they are all gone. Gone with the wind and but a memory in the history books of America.

God bless our beloved Nation!

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