Thursday, July 3, 2014


In the physical world it is so easy to miss seeing things.    You can drive down the highway and look here and there and still miss so many things right there before you.   You can go to the top of a mountain and look all over and still miss seeing so much.    I have flown many times and looked out the window of the plane and still I missed so much for I was unable to see everything.  You can go to a big football game and there see thousands and thousands of people and look out over the crowd and miss a lot.   Someone sitting right by you might point out to you things you have missed.    I have gone to great art galleries in our country and stared for a long time at masterpiece paintings.   Another person came up and in just a moment pointed out something that I had missed.   Such is life!

Think about this.    If we miss so much in this physical world then think how much we are missing in the spiritual world.    I believe there are spiritual forces constantly at work but,  for most of humanity they never see such or realize these glorious forces at work.    They are everywhere and yet we do not see.  Jesus said of people in HIs day, "Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don't you remember?"  (Mark 8:18).

We fail to see because we do not look.   We fail to see because of prejudice and hard hearts.   We fail to see for we have closed our minds to anything that does not fit our preconceived concepts of reality.
Let us open our hearts and minds to the world we live in and see the glorious creation of God.   Let us open our eyes to see the wonderful working of God all around us.   Let us open our eyes and ears to the message of the Cross that is so rich and powerful.
God is everywhere around us!   Do we see?
*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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