Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I submit to you that the Bible is the greatest book on earth.   There is a strange power to the Bible.   Remember, the Bible came from the mind of God.   That is an awesome thought.  It is no ordinary book.  There it sits in your house right now.   In fact, you may have several copies of this amazing book.   Do you realize how unique it is and the power that is in the pages of this marvelous book?
We hear sometimes the word, "Extraterrestrial life".  People speculate about such all the time but as of this date no confirmed evidence exists that such is a reality.    However, I believe in extraterrestrial life.   Extraterrestrial life is life not of this planet.  God is not of this world.   He is eternal.   The angels are not of this world.   Yet, I am as sure of their existence as I am of myself, my wife and family.  God gave us the Bible.   His mind is all through the Bible.   His fingerprints are everywhere to be seen in the pages of the Bible.   

No one shall ever master the Bible.    I have read and studied the Bible to some level for over 50 years.   I have received a College degree in Bible.    I have studied the Bible in advance courses in three Graduate Schools.   I have also studied ancient and classical history at APU.  Still, I learn from the Bible every day.   My study is never complete. 

The Bible has what might be called a mystical power.   Such would be expected from a book from the Almighty God!   It has wondrous powers that can change your life.  After years of study of the Word I now sense this power more than at any time in my life.    It seems to radiate from the Book.   Its words are powerful and spiritual and enter my mind and my soul.   The more I reflect on these words and ponder their meaning the more I sense something glorious going on.   The Holy Spirit of God moves through the pages of the Word and into your being.

I am telling you my good friends, saturate yourself with the Words of the Bible.   If you will do this, then you will find yourself swept up on a journey moving you forward to your Creator and to a world you never dreamed existed.

It takes time.    You have to spend time with the Bible.   You have to wear out a few copies.    You have to fill your soul with its precious words.  The Bible will test your character before revealing its mighty secrets.  Soon your thoughts and attitudes will change.   Soon, your perceptions of all things will be altered.    You will see the world as you have never seen it and be mesmerized by such.    The eternal mind of GOD produced the Bible.  Think on that.

The Bible will pull you inward to its glorious power and secrets.  As you discover its timeless secrets your very being will be altered.  I believe deep in your DNA is a code that cries out for God.   Remember, the whole of your very existence is to reverence God and Honor His will (Eccl. 12:13,14).   In time people around you will notice different things about you.  You can tell a lot about people and the kind of people that influence them.   You will be influenced by the Mighty Word and people will sense something amazingly different about you.

Read these moving words:  "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."  (Heb. 4:12,13).    We often read a passage and fail to see the wondrous truths of such.  This passage affirms the power of the  Bible and its ability to move deep into your very being.  These are powerful words and challenges us always.

All over the world there are untold millions and millions of copies of this precious Book.  If only people could realize the awesome, eternal treasure that is right before them.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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