Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Why do we live day by day?   Oh my friends, your purpose for living is this:  to find God, to know God, to love God, and to fully embrace Him.     In all of this you are making preparations to go and be with God for eternity in the New Heaven and the New Earth (Revelation 21).

Daily our lives should be filled with prayer and reading the WORD.   Daily we should strive to impact our children and family to walk with God.   Daily our task is to reflect HIs image to others so they too might be drawn into the glory that belongs to the Lord. 

In this life we work at secular jobs to earn a living for ourselves and family.   But, even in this we live and walk with God.

In this life we have a family to care for and love and be with.   With our family we cry together, we laugh together and we live life.   Even in this we walk with God and reflect His glory.
In this life we are citizens of the United States of America.   But, even in this relationship we always walk with God to show forth His praise and His glory.

Our faith must be priority one.   Our mission is to leave this earth and travel to a world beyond our greatest imagination.    Time here passes fast and is very brief.   Eternity is endless and glorious for those who give their lives to the Master!

So, my dear ones, be a Christian and live faithful!   For, in so doing you will live the greatest life that is possible and then move into a world that will thrill you and excite you for eternity!  God be with you!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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