Thursday, July 3, 2014


THE ELDERSHIP (4)    The Elders and Women In The Church

This article has to do with the eldership and the women of the church.    I have often felt that too many elderships ignore the sisters of the congregation.   I feel this is not good at all and is rooted in an ultra conservative view of the work of women in the church.

A powerful verse that touches this subject and often ignored is as follows:  "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."  (Galatians 3:28).  When it comes to salvation before Jesus Christ there is no difference between men and women.  This great principle needs to be taught more.

Women are often kept out of any decision making process in the local church.   They rarely know anything that is going on in the congregation.   In many congregations the women do the day to day grind of labor in the church to keep things going and yet know nothing of the work of the church.   In some congregations the widow women give a substantial part of the contribution but again are left out when it comes to anything that pertains to the decisions of the congregation.

Wise elders will follow a different path.   They will show respect for the wisdom and ability of the women of the church.    They will seek their advice and council.   They will find ways to be sure the women and all the congregation understands month to month all that is going on,  and thus are made part of the decision process and work of the body.   Wise elders might designate one elder or two to be special communicators to the women of the church and get their advice and thoughts regarding the work that is going on.   Also, wise elders will have on a regular basis congregational meetings where all men and women can attend and ask questions and be informed of the plans for the church.  Also, elder and deacon summary reports could be printed and distributed to all the church monthly so all can be informed of the work.

 If you really study your NT you will find that women in the church were powerful in their work and did amazing things.    Here are some examples.  Women played a great part in the work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Some of his closest friends and most faithful followers were women  (Matt. 27:55-56; Luke 23:49,55).  These good women were the last to leave the cross where Jesus was nailed and the first to see Him resurrected  (Lk 23:55; 24:1ff).  These women followed Jesus wherever he would go and supported Him and his disciples  (Lk. 8:1-3).  If there are those who think women should be in the kitchen, we need to be reminded that Jesus commended Mary for sitting at His feet, while Martha was obsessed with fixing the meal (Lk. 10:38-42).

I owe so much to godly women in my life.   I start with my own blessed mother.   She gave me life and loved me so.    From her I learned so much about life and about being a Christian.   I looked to her till the end of her life for her approval and advice.   Even now she is ever with me.    I think of my dear sainted grandmothers and the love and guidance they gave me growing up.    Their words to me are ever with me in my thoughts and helped shaped my view of life.   I think of a very dear Aunt Zona who loved me so and I her.   We would talk of everything in life and what joy she gave me.   In my school years I am forever indebted to Mr. Henley in first grade at Nettleton who taught me how to read.   Mrs. Wooten in 2nd grade and Mrs. Wainscott in 3rd grade and Mrs. Paxton in 4th grade.   These dear ladies still speak to me in the knowledge they imparted to me and the love and assurance they gave me.   Later, a Mrs. Gouch taught me to type and that is a skill I am using now as I write these words.    I remember wonderful Bible class teachers such as Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. King and so many others.    Their love and words always guided me well.   I think of Mrs. Blanche Poe a neighbor at Bay when I preached there.   I taught her the gospel and baptized her.   I enjoyed such times in her home and the delicious Mexican  cornbread she would prepare.  We would talk of so many things and she was so special.   Over the years of my life there have been  many wives of elders who became so dear to me.    I think of so many sisters in the church who wrote me letters, called me, and I visited with for their council and thoughts.  Now, I think of my dear wife of near 37 years and the wisdom she has given me in so many ways.   My dear mother-in-law who has been such a joy through the years.   My wife's grandmothers also blessed me so.    Other dear Aunt's added much to my learning and insight in life and dear cousins whose memories are  forever enshrined in my heart.  There is something very special about dear women who love the Lord and being able to talk to them of many things.   

Dear sisters in the church, you have such a power for good and are so needed in so many ways.    You bless the church and all our lives in so many marvelous avenues.   Thank you for your godly example and influence and thank you for your love and support.   Great men have helped me through the years but the softness and assurance of the dear sisters has contributed so much to my character and ability and for such I am so thankful.

I plead with all elders of the church to treasure the dear women of your congregations and treat them with the love and great respect that they richly deserve.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

*REGARDING ATTACHED PICTURE:  In her complete devotion, she is last at the cross, first at the tomb. How horrified she is to find the stone rolled away, and the tomb empty!

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