Wednesday, July 16, 2014



I have been saturating my mind with the Gospel of Mark for the last few weeks.   Daily I read Mark and ponder the power of every word.   Jesus Christ is the most amazing person ever to walk on this planet Earth.

Demons have always been clouded in some mystery.   There are many things we just do not know about demons.   There is no room for dogmatism.   It is not a matter of heaven or hell.    Good people can disagree on this topic and still maintain fellowship.

All should understand and agree that demons are a living reality in the pages of the New Testament.   It is rather amazing how that in the ministry of Jesus demons keep crossing His path.  Again and again they are presented in contrast to the blessed Lord.  Look at Mark 6:7--"Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits."  The "impure spirits" is another word for demons.

There are various theories as to who and what were demons.   I believe they were angels who had turned in rebellion to God and were working for Satan to carry out his work.  

Here are my thoughts.   Demons are prolific in the New Testament world because of Jesus Christ.    His power and light brought them out and displayed them and He overpowered them in every single situation.

Always, when demons are mentioned they are destructive and bring misery and great harm.   Jesus comes on the scene and brings love, peace and healing.   Always, the demons must obey the blessed Lord.   He has the superior power and they must obey.  

Jesus gave such power to deliver people from demons to the Apostles and they in turned moved through the times casting them out and healing people.

No one walked the earth as pure as Jesus Christ.   When He comes on the stage of history the demons are brought out and seen fleeing before Him.  

There are many mysteries to life.   I believe it is very possible that demons are still working on this earth and doing great evil.   Because, of our "scientific minds" we refuse to see them and comprehend their reality.  However, I do believe that since the Cross and the Resurrection of our Lord that the power of demons has been lessen to some degree.   Christians have a level of protection and safety from such evil.   However, we can lose that security by allowing evil to enter our being and move us away from God.   Those that are outside of Christ in this evil world have no such protection as that seen for Christians.  There are some horrific evil things going on in this world and I do not see how such can be fully explained without a consideration of the power of evil in our world and even the reality of demons.

The more any single human surrenders himself to Satan,  and the more the masses surrender themselves to Satan, the greater power Satan has, the more darkness enters the souls of men and women and the nations of the earth.

This is why it is so important that people obey the Gospel and come into Christ.   There you find forgiveness of all past sins, and there you find the grace of God to sustain you and protect you against all evil.  Even if the evil of this world and evil people touches you by harming you, you have the security that Jesus will defend you and protect you.   When death comes for the faithful Christian the demons rejoice but the blessed Lord has the Victory as HE takes that faithful child to glory.
Most of us never contemplate the full power of evil in this world.  It is too much for most people to get their arms around.   But, make no mistake evil is real and it works constantly for the destruction of humanity.   Satan and his demons are real and without Jesus Christ and His Angels all of humanity would have long ago been destroyed.

We rejoice in the words of Jesus to the demons, ""Be quiet!" said Jesus sternly. "Come out of him!"  Praise God for Jesus our SAVIOR!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

*About The Picture:   In the Gospels of the New Testament, Jesus is seen driving out demons at least as often as he is seen healing the sick or performing nature miracles.  Always, the demons bow to the Words of The Master!

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