Wednesday, July 16, 2014



I urge congregations and especially elders to lead the way in bringing in the elderly generation to the table of decisions.   I wrote an earlier article here on PARTIALITY and talked of how elderly people are often  moved aside.   They are moved aside by society and by the church in too many cases.  I believe they represent an enormous amount of wisdom and experience.   Yet, we discount them and move them out.

Back in the 1990's there was a trend moving through the brotherhood to establish a SENIOR MINISTRY.   Even ministers were hired to work with the seniors.   That seems to have died down and been moved away from consideration.   Now, when I do see such a ministry it is just a retirement club and going to see the fall leaves and go here and there for entertainment and pleasure.  That is fine for good fellowship but I am talking about much more here.   I believe the seniors can be an amazing power for good in the church.

I would urge the elders to form a brain trust and allow these seniors to be brought to the table of decisions.   They could be a great source of wisdom about the past and what has worked and provide good insights into the church and its future.

When churches integrate all ages of the church into ministry and have them all working together then you have the makings of a true family church.   All generations can share their experiences, wisdom, and thoughts to bless everyone.

Again, it has become a powerful cultural force that tends to push our senior citizens aside and they are soon forgotten.   It will be hard to swim up stream and make the changes here needed.   But, those churches that do, will find the windows of blessings opened wide and the grace of God flowing into the body.

"Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, 2 older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity."  (I Timothy 5:1,2).

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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