Monday, June 23, 2014

Wondrous Grace!


"Each time he said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me." (2 Cor. 12:9).

I try and try but am never go...od enough. My Lord says, "My grace is all you need." I study and study but it is never enough for I always miss something. My Lord says, "My grace is all you need." I talk to people and try to be caring and loving but I always come up short. My Lord says, "My grace is all you need." I work and do this and do that but always feel I have never done enough. My Lord says, "My grace is all you need." I preach and teach and feel like such a failure. My Lord says, "My grace is all you need." I give to my God in His Kingdom again and again and it seems so little. My Lord says, "My grace is all you need."

I try to be good and true and fight temptation but again and again I fail. With a broken heart and scared soul I cry out. My Lord says, "My grace is all you need."

No matter what, none of us will ever be good enough, smart enough, or do enough for God. We shall try and try but always come up short. Those that cannot see this are most likely guilty of pride and arrogance. So, even the so called perfectionists fail. You don't know everything, you don't do enough, and you will always struggle with sin. But my Lord says, "My grace is all you need."

At 58, I am just now seeing what my Lord was saying to me all the time. "My grace is all you need". When I am strong it is He who gives me strength. When I am weak it is He who shall carry me. When I fail it is He who shall pick me up. When I fall it is He who catches me!

Praise God, Praise God for His wondrous GRACE!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014
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