Monday, June 23, 2014



"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." ( John 3:16,17).

This is a classic text that is used in a idealistic way but rarely as a teaching model. Why? It summarizes the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ. God loves us all so much. He gave His son to for our sins. Those that will believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world but rather to save us all. How powerful!

Many preachers and teachers feel they must be about condemning people. They seem to enjoy the process of condemning. They condemn all the people in town who go to "denominations". They condemn all brethren that do not agree with them and their beliefs. They are so condemning.
How about this? We all go back to John 3:16,17 and try to capture the glory of the message. How about we all go back to verse 17 and see the mission of Jesus into this world to save people, and look at all people as being held hostage in sin, and we are servants of Christ, whose task is to seek the lost and strive for their rescue? Would not this approach and attitude be revolutionary? Wow!
Why do some feel they have to always be right and always win arguments? Why do they feel they must go after people in such a condemning way? They feel they do not have to be successful in winning souls but just winning arguments. They feel if I tell people the "truth" then I am finished. I have done my duty. I told them they are going to hell and now I am on my way to tell the next one he or she is going to hell! Success is measured in how many people they can tell daily that they are going to hell. Amazing!

Let us learn from John 3:16,17. Let us learn the glorious message of salvation. With joy in our hearts and strong faith let us approach everyone with the spirit of love, faith and optimism. Then, with the heart of Jesus tell them the greatest story ever told. Seek to develop understanding with them and answer their questions with humility.
When you walk with Jesus you walk the path of love, mercy, truth, salvation, joy, and perfect peace. You walk the path of seeking to bring glory to God. Your heart breaks for the sorrows of humanity! You are with God's aid, risking all to dive into a raging ocean to save the drowning! Oh God, help us!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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