Monday, June 23, 2014



Here is an interesting piece in the book, THE ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY by Craig Nakken. It describes those who are power centered and controlling. It is their way or the highway. They are rooted in the idea that they must always be right. They know all things and anyone who dares to oppose them or disagree with them becomes their most bitter enemy. They are then free to treat them anyway they wish and do whatever they wish to them. To admit that they might be wrong about something is impossible and a sign of great weakness to them. This blinded attitude creates in them a "false sense of self-confidence and inflates the ego."

This false sense of being so right gives them power. Power to control others and see ever that power. All who oppose them must be driven away or destroyed.

This twisted psychological perversion can be seen in marriages where usually the male who has this seeks total control of his wife and thus a dominant and abusive relationship develops. Love for him is to rule with absolute power and the wife must always be in submission. This is a prelude to abuse and destruction.

What fascinates me about this book is that I must say I have seen this in the church and still observe such. I have preached for over 37 years and served two congregations as an elder and I must say I have seen this type of character again and again. It can been seen in preachers, church leaders and members.

I think John was talking of such in 3 John 1:9: " I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not." Diotrephes had a power problem big time!
Men who are to be selected to be elders in the church are not to be "self-willed" (Titus 1:7). They must not demonstrate the power model that is indicated in this book.

Churches that observe such behavior in their elders or preachers must demand that such men stand down. Churches that observe such actions in anyone of their congregation must demand that such repent and cease the display of such a power driven character. Such individuals will always hurt the church, drive people away, cause decline in the body, and frustrate the souls of many. Such should not be allowed to continue.

I have already written regarding the qualifications of elders that their role is not one of the POWER CREATURES who are to dominate the body. They are to be loving Shepherds. Peter the Apostles warned such men that power and control is not to be their focus but rather to be good examples and leaders, and men that can build consensus through loving leadership (I Pet. 5:3).
Finally, such men of power as described in this book and that I have observed in the church tend to be men who can not stand for anyone to disagree with them. In some cases these men may need a mild rebuke and correction and be removed from teaching and leadership. In other cases they might be seriously mentally ill and need professional treatment. In all cases such need prayer and further instruction.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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