Monday, June 23, 2014



The early church did amazing things. At its core was a fervor and excitement never seen since. Today in modern America we live compartmentalized lives. Our Christian faith is often just one shoe box among many in our lives. The early church had one shoe box and it was Jesus Christ. He was everything. They went everywhere talking about Jesus. They sacrificed everything. They suffered, bled, and died for the cause of Christ. ... They never waivered!

I think those early saints would look at us today and say, "where is your faith?".

Do we sacrifice anything? How many give so little on Sunday, and then go out and eat, and spend five times what we gave to the Lord on a nice meal for ourselves? When was the last time you sacrificed or gave up anything for the cause of Christ? Truly, in America materialism rules our lives and the sad part is that most do not even realize such.

On occasion there is this dear soul and or that soul that really gives their all. Sad, others seem to make fun of them or think they are really weird! Wow! Are we so blind that we no longer can see true faith when staring us right in the eyes?

Matthew 6:33 are words of Jesus calling us to put the Kingdom of God and His righteousness first in our lives. I fear there are few today that even know what the blessed Lord is talking about!
Arise, oh Church and let us put King Jesus first in our lives and in our churches! Let Jesus rule and reign in our hearts forevermore. Let us give our all, do our all, and sacrifice everything for the name of Jesus Christ!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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