Monday, June 23, 2014


I listen to this song sung often and I sing along. This morning I listened and tears flowed. I went out in the back yard and raised my hands to the heavens and declared, "PRAISE GOD! THANK YOU OH GOD". Then on my knees to fervently pray to the Father. Call me weird or a nut, whatever...but I am thankful to God for HIs love and grace.

I believe His grace is there always! We are the ones who often run from it. We run fast and hard deep into sin and destru...ction. Why? Why would we do such a thing? His glorious grace is striving to help us and save us. Thank you oh God for your amazing Grace!

All that I am and hope to be is because of God, through Jesus who died on the Cross, and the wondrous grace extended unto me. Thank you Oh God!

I cannot fully comprehend nor understand God's glorious love and grace for me and indeed, HIS GRACE REACHES ME!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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