Monday, June 23, 2014



Life is fascinating and wondrous i
n so many ways. God has touched this earth and all that is in the earth. The spark of the divine is in all things. That is one deep thought.

Sin however has scared the earth. I am not sure we can fully comprehend the earth before sin touched it so grievously. Nothing on earth is quite as beautiful today as it was before sin drove Adam & Eve out of the garden. There was a balance on the earth that made the planet a utopia. Today, you can observe all over the planet that something is just not right. Everything is out of balance and in all things there is deterioration, decline and ultimately death. Sin has perverted and damaged not only humans but the animal kingdom and all of creation. If I had time we could go on for pages and pages of writing to show such consequences of sin in all creation. Sin is real and denial of such does not negate the reality of sin's great power in our world.

However, despite the horrors of sin and all the damage it has done, there remains a shadow of the beauty that once was in Eden. When you look at a newborn baby and hold such for a moment, you are looking at purity and sinlessness. When you observe the faith and courage of a dear beloved elderly person you see the character of God. When you see humans risking everything to save a human or even a helpless animal you see the mercy of God. When you see the beauty of a very perfect Spring day you see the joy in God. When you see a very sick person recover you see the healing of God. When you see brave soldiers standing against evil men to preserve freedom and life you see the righteousness of God. When you see the quality of a great book or the beauty of a great poem you see the author in God. When you see a masterpiece painting in a great museum you see the artist in God. When you see humans blasting off in a space craft to explore the unknown you see the scientist that is God. When you hear the beauty of a glorious symphony you see God as the great conductor directing a most beautiful orchestra. Yes, in all things the mark of the divine is seen. When you see a faithful gospel preacher proclaiming with great love the beautiful gospel of Jesus Christ you see work of God. When you see a sinner born again and rising from the watery grave of baptism you see the salvation of God through the sacrifice of His Son on Calvary. When you see the Church faithful and true and striving to serve God and do good you see the love of family in God. When you see the Church sending out missionaries around the world you see the Hope of God. Even in the examples of evil you can see God. You see in evil the results of what happens when humans move away from God. Moving away from God always and I stress always leads to evil, sin, and destruction.

So, look around and see if you can list all the examples of the Almighty God in your life. He is everywhere and there for all to see and grasp. Look for God. Hold to His Unchanging Hand.
"God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us." (Acts 17:27).
*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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