Thursday, August 29, 2013



George Washington believed the infighting of the political parties was so out of control it would destroy the grand republic. He died thinking our nation most likely would not survive.

Wow! What would he think of it today?

All the pulpits in America and I mean
everyone, needs to broadcast loud and clear for total REPENTANCE of our government leaders. All three branches of government need to be held accountable for their sins against God and the people of the United States. They need to be called to account and urged to fully repent.

Of course such godless men would probably laugh at it all. But, it still needs to happen.

If you study history you notice that many nations of earth in the past have experienced a spiritual revival. Even in American history you will see that our nation had such periods.

Let us pray and call for a national spiritual revival. A return to decency and godliness. It is possible.

We must remember this. Sin will destroy a nation just as much as an invasion from the combined military forces of Russia and China.

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.
Proverbs 14:34

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance. Psa. 33:12

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