Monday, August 19, 2013

Life Is Precious!

Life Is Precious!

I know a lot of people all over the world. I talk to them quite often and love them all so very much. I pray for them all daily, all my friends whether deep friends or just casual associates. All are precious in God's site. I hear the trials and troubles that many face and my heart breaks when they are sad and suffer. I wish I had a magic wand to wave over them and solve all their hurts and troubles. I wish I had a vast sum of money to solve all their money issues. Since I cannot solve all their problems, I do what I can for them and solve what I can solve and love them all fervently. I pray for the Almighty God, ruler of heaven and earth to help them watch out for them.

Sometimes, I hear from my friends and loved ones that things are better and solutions are found. In fact, I hear this quite often. Great is our God. However, we forget to thank God for his quick answers to our prayers and the great help He sends our way again and again. God be praised in all things!

I think all of us should think more about the people of the world, everywhere. Think of the sorrows and sufferings of humanity. Be thankful for what you have and really appreciate it and use what you have to help others.

Life is about letting go. As the years pass in your life, you will see that you start to let go more and more and more. Time marches on. You let go of things and people, and eventually you let go of yourself and say goodbye to your own life here on earth. Life flows ever onward like a mighty river.

Look at your greatest treasure. It is not the house, the bank accounts, cars, boats, land or stocks and bonds. Your greatest treasure is your life and that of those near and dear to you. Its about people and not about things. Treasure the most valuable things in life. Faith, hope, love, and the greatest is love.

So, if you wake up tonight, walk down the hall of your house, look at the pictures of family on the walls, look in that bedroom where someone you love sleeps, and then thank God for the great treasures of life.

It can all be taken away so quickly. A storm in the night can blow your house away and all that is dear, even your loved ones, far away. It has happened here in America this past year. You can get a pain in your chest, go to the doctor, endure tests, and then be told your life is basically over. I know a man that just such a thing happened to him, he died just 7 days after going to the doctor. You can be going on with your life like you own the world, driving down the highway, full of life and hope and be hit by a drunk driver and all your family dead and you are paralyzed for life. This happened to another person I know.

You say, your being so negative and depressing. I do not mean to be. I am just pointing out the truth and it is the truth we all refuse to think about or really consider until it too late.

I am not saying we should go around thinking of such dark things all the time. But, we should think of them, sometime. We should live life with joy and laughter and full of hope and love. Make the most of life. You have to know and understand you will soon let go of it all, by so doing, that can help you have a greater perspective on love and people, more than ever.

God be with you dear ones. Tonight, I pray for you, who are now reading these words. I pray for you all the best, protection, good health, prosperity, and a life full of grace, love, mercy and fulfillment. I pray for you, that when your days end on this earth, heaven will be yours!

Remember the words of Jesus, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35b). Also, remember, this world is not our home, we are just passing through.

The picture here to this post has this caption:
Learning how to sail my ship: To walk a mile with Sorrow

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