Monday, August 19, 2013

Early In The Morning

Early In The Morning

"Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. " John 20:1

I could not sleep so I have awaken and here I am. I have been reading my Bible and my thoughts have lingered on John 20:1. Here I am early in the morning and it is still dark. I like this time of day. It is quite and I usually feel refreshed from sleep. I pray and read some Bible and ponder my life and world. This time of day and alone is a time I feel close to God in many ways.

Long ago on another early morning something amazing happened. From the great mind of God came the order and was sent to angelic beings. BRING FORTH JESUS CHRIST FROM HADES AND RETURN HIM TO EARTH. JESUS was resurrected and came forth with victory and glory. The Roman soldiers saw the angelic beings and became as dead men. It all happened so very fast. And there He was! He was alive! The power of Rome had failed. The power of those evil men had failed. The power of Satan himself, had failed. Glory be unto almighty God.

Yes, "early in the morning" and magical words that changed the world.

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