Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Who Are You, Really?

There I was in a chapel about to speak at a funeral.   I thought as I looked out on the audience of nearly 200, what must they be thinking?  Each one there has there own view and perception of the deceased.   I have my view.   All see this person in a very unique way.   Oh, many would agree about some of the same things and yet, there would be truly unique perceptions held by all there.

This got me to thinking.   Who am I?   Do I really know?   Some people may hate me and others love me dearly.  Some may be very indifferent towards me and could care less.   Others might remember how I helped them at some point in their life and others remember me for this or that reason.   All have their unique perceptions.

Even as I look at myself, I may be deceived.   Does any person really have the ability to even see themselves as they really are?   I wonder.

Life is unique.   Each person is unique.   Yet, we are all the same in many ways.   Psychology is fascinating and complicated.   No counselor can really claim to know the whole story.   We lie first to ourselves before we ever lie to others.   We first deceive ourselves before deceiving others.   Such is the game of life.

Does anyone really know who I am?   I think so.   That person is, God.   God made each of us and He alone knows exactly who we are and what we are.

The amazing thing about all this is this, that even though God knows us fully, He still loves us immensely and wants the best for us.   He sees past our deception and failings to see the absolute good that is in each of us.

All of this should help us to be like God.   To see people not so much as they are on this occasion or that occasion but to see them for what they can be.   See the good in them and potential for even greater good.  Perhaps this was the magic that was in Jesus as revealed in the Gospel's.   He saw all the people,  and all the sins, but He saw what they could be and He knew that through Him, all humans could rise to true greatness.

Human personality is complex and people are most fascinating.   Why are we the way we are?   What motivates us to do the things we do.   What is the "why" of who we are?   Every human is so amazing and marvelous in so many ways.   It is fascinating to study people and try to understand and figure people out. 

I believe in each person there is the spark of the divine.  Remember in Genesis chapter two, when God man the first human, He breathed into the body of that human, and man became a living soul.   There it was, the spark of the divine and it has been passed on to every human born into this world.   Amazing!   Truly, amazing!  You were born for greatness.   Never doubt that.   You were born to walk with God!   Thrilling!    A little piece of God Himself is in YOU.   It is the mighty spark of the Divine!   Finding that spark can be a great adventure.   Finding it in ourselves first, and then seeing it in others.

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