Wednesday, July 3, 2013


What is the core of the gospel? What is absolutely necessary for a persons salvation from sin? Many people today declare just about everything you do as sin. Even in the church I am part of many throw all kinds of rules around that in the end is just their silly opinion.

Christ did not die for the translation of Scriptures that you may use. He did not die so that you must wear a suit and tie on Sunday worship services. He did not die so you can sit stone faced in a pew and never move but sing quietly your songs and condemn others who might dare show some emotion. He did not die for a million opinions we might all have. He died for our sins and to save us from such sin.

I believe the core of the gospel is the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I believe the core of the gospel is my faith in Jesus Christ and acceptance of Him as my Lord and Savior. I love the new birth as taught in John 3. There, I find my salvation as I am born again of the water and the Spirit. The new birth is such a mighty experience. You start a new life in Jesus. It involves faith and obedience. It involves faith and immersion and thus the new birth of water and the Spirit. It is one of the most powerful action you will ever submit to in this life. It is a transformation of the physical and the spiritual heart of you!

Thus, once this is done you are a Christian. Now your task is to grow and learn. You will make mistakes. You will fall short. You will fail. However, it will only be momentary failures. For, as long as you keep up the struggle and never give up on Jesus then He will never give up on you. The ultimate victory will eventually be yours and it will be sooner than you imagine.
You don't have to know everything. You just need to know a few things. Know God, know Jesus, develop faith and submit to the new birth and you will be a Christian and taking your first steps toward HEAVEN itself. God bless you in this quest. God be with you, my friends.

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