Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Bible Is The Greatest Book

I believe the Holy Bible is the greatest, single book on the planet. As for me, the Bible has been like a good friend all the days of my life. It is in my earliest of all memories. I remember the Bible held in my mothers hand and my fathers and the Bible in my grandparents hands. I remember the the Bible held in the preachers hands as they preached the Word each Sunday. The Bible held in the hands of sweet Christian men and women in Bible classes through the years. The Bible, I believe it is the greatest book on earth and is the only book that will survive this world.
When heaven and earth have passed away the Bible will endure.

The Bible was around doing its great work long before I was born or even my parents were born and it has ever been near me. It will be there at my death as my body is lowered into the grave. There the Bible will be read. It has been with me from my birth and will be near me at the moment of my death. For I am never far removed from a Bible. A copy is always near me. It answers the greatest questions of life. Where did I come from, why am I here, and where am I going. It is the foundation of all life.

The Bible is the best seller of all time. It is the most shoplifted book in the world. It has been translated into more languages than any book in history. Google the Bible and related subjects and see the millions and millions of entries. You could never live long enough to read them all and more are added constantly. It is loved and it is hated. Its message is timeless. It meets all the tests of a truly great book. It has a great theme, a noble language, and a universality or timeless message.

The Bible is really a collection of 66 books from Genesis to Revelation. It has two grand divisions. The Old Testament and the New Testament. However, all 66 books are connected together in an amazing manner. I believe the great theme of the Bible is this: the glory of God, the salvation of man, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Perhaps the most sublime passages in the Bible are these. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1). "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16). Oh how I love the Bible! It is God communicating to me and to all the world in a very special way.

I have read the Bible many times and each time I read it I learn something new. Even now as I sit here and write this I look over and see a copy on my desk just inches from me. I wonder even now what treasures are there awaiting me. Treasures I have not yet discovered. It has simple messages and yet deep themes. Themes as vast and as deep as the ocean and as vast and overwhelming as the entire known universe. It is powerful and enduring and I love to read it again and again.

The Bible has made me what I am. All the good in me is because of God and what I know of Him as taught in the Bible. The influence of the Bible on my life is impossible for me to measure for it surrounds all my family and all my thoughts and all my relationships. It always reminds me of my flaws and sins and always challenges me to higher ground and always tells me I am loved and forgiven. Thank you God for the Bible. Share with me your thoughts on this great book!

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