Wednesday, July 3, 2013


America has always battled it out regarding ideas and what beliefs and policies to adopt. However, today it is more intense than ever and the stakes are higher than ever before. On one side is a view to hold to the Constitution and hold to the work ethic, balanced budget, morals, discipline and God. On the other side is the idea of entitlement, that government owes me a lot, there are no absolutes or moral laws, the Constitution should be interpreted to mean whatever we desire for it to mean at the present time, no concern for a balanced budget, for the rich can pay it off, and God should be assigned to
the four walls of church buildings, at least for now. In between these two ideas are a wide variety of other ideas. We are deeply divided and for now ideas that are so destructive are ruling America. But, many cannot see this. They are blind and cannot see, deaf and cannot hear. Like a motorists driving over a railroad not seeing the huge train coming right at them till it is too late and they are destroyed. I pray we as a Nation can change and I pray it will be soon before it is too late. Americans are very prideful and just cannot believe that their nation could be destroyed. Americans do not understand what it will mean if our entire economic system falls apart. Americans do not see how close we are getting to the absolute abyss of no return. God help us.

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