Monday, July 15, 2013

Suggestion # 7 On Bible Study:

Suggestion # 7 On Studying The Bible: The Bible Is Such a Fantastic Book. It is rich, powerful, and sometimes overwhelming. It is always my friend. Its been with me in all my life, even in my earliest days. It is a vast treasure. Another way that will help you in your study of the Bible is to study the Bible by biographies and topics. I call this life studies and great themes. 
 There are good books like, ALL THE MEN OF THE BIBLE, and ALL THE WOMEN OF THE BIBLE, that form a great start to thinking on great Bible characters. See them as average men and women like you and I and how God used them for great glory. Look at Nave's Topical Bible. It lists Bible verses that fit a grand theme. You choose the topic or theme. A great way to study. Take the subject of love and study how it is used in the OT and the NT. Studying the lives of great men and women and great themes can be such a rewarding way to study the Bible. You will come away from such a study with many practical ideas to help you on your journey in life. May God bless you as you study the Bible.

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