Monday, July 15, 2013

Mysteries Of The Bible (9)

When I talk of the "mysteries of the Bible", I am talking about the things we do not know, and also the things we know some things about,  but we do not know it all.  I believe the Bible  is true and we can say it with confidence.   We never know it all when it comes to the Bible.   We never know all the story on any topic.   Great are the depths of God's wisdom and glory.  There are mysteries.   These mysteries in and of themselves  cause us to be humbled and stand in admiration  of the great glory that is the Bible.

In this installment we are talking of the great argument for the inspiration  of the Bible.   Evidences to show the Bible is the Word of God.   Here we  discuss what we can observe, and  we see the wondrous mysteries that surround such glory.  We are in deep water here, very deep, and it is a great wonder, how God has given the world the Bible and how it has moved through the ages.   We can see the fingerprints of God all over the Bible.

In our previous installments we set forth the argument for the inspiration and the glorious mystery of the Bible.   Here it is again:

If the Bible fully claims to be the book of God, exhibits complete and total historical accuracy from Genesis to Revelation, and if, it exhibits total scientific accuracy, (that is, when it speaks of anything related to Science, it always speaks in total accuracy),  is free of all errors and mistakes of any form, possess  a remarkable unity, has a world view that is true and unique to the age of the writings (Bible), contains within its pages predictions about the future that would be impossible for humans to know and that had clear and precise fulfillments (predictive prophecy), has a presentation of reality in life that is unique, true, and unknown to the times in which the books were written, and has other demonstrations that prove it is a book of divine (supernatural) origins, then it is indeed, THE WORD OF GOD.

The Bible does exhibit claims to be the  book of God, exhibits complete and total historical accuracy from Genesis to Revelation, it exhibits total scientific accuracy, (that is, when it speaks of anything related to Science, it always speaks in total accuracy),  is free of all errors and mistakes of any form, possess  a remarkable unity, has a world view that is true and unique to the age of the writings (Bible), contains within its pages,  predictions about the future that would be impossible for humans to know and that had clear and precise fulfillments  (predictive prophecy), has a presentation of reality in life that is unique, true, and unknown to the times in which the books were written, and has other demonstrations that prove it is a book of divine (supernatural) origins.

Therefore, the Holy Bible is most certainly, the Word of God!

Today, we meditate on the scientific accuracy of the Bible and the wonder of such and even the mystery.  The Bible does not claim to be a scientific text book.   That is not the purpose of the Bible.   However, the Bible often talks of things in biology, botany, zoology, and so forth.   When it talks of science, we maintain it always talks in an accurate way.   We would expect such from a book that claims to be of Almighty God.  God knows all things and would never speak of such things in an inaccurate manner.   The Bible writers wrote in an age in which so many great facts of science were not known and there was no way to know them.   So, when they wrote of some complex scientific issues and wrote in a accurate manner, it is obvious that a great mind, God, had to reveal such to them.

Great books on this subject have been written.   So, here it is impossible for us to examine everything.   This is a very rich and profound subject.   Again, I emphasize that the Bible is always accurate in all its scientific references.   Amazing.

Here are some interesting books on the subject.

Here is a web site that gives a good summary of many of the great facts of scients that support the Bible.   Amazing!

The Bible speaks of life in the blood, something unknown when it was written.  The Bible speaks of the stars being so vast that no one could number them, again, no one could know that without  divine intervention.   The Bible speaks of "paths in the Ocean", another fact that no one could know at the time, which led to the science of Oceanography.   The Bible speaks of the earth being a sphere and that it rests on nothing, another fact that no human could know at the time and yet there it is in the Bible,  for God knew this.   The Bible speaks of every species reproducing after its own kind in both the plant and animal kingdom.   Another great Bible fact of science,  proved today.   On and on we could go.   The Bible and Science, an amazing subject.

True science that is provable supports the Bible.   False science of theories is against the Bible for such men are prejudiced towards the Bible.

Amazing, how  the Bible speaks of such great scientific issues and so accurately

The Bible and mystery, what a theme.   How God,  the great Eternal Scientist made all things, and how He left clues all through the Bible.   Amazing.   God be praised. 

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