Friday, July 12, 2013

Sailing the Ocean of Life

Whether someone agrees with me or they do not, does not threaten my faith and beliefs. I will listen, think, ponder, consider, and investigate. I may still hold what I believe, or i may modify it or change my thoughts. No one should be afraid to be challenged in their beliefs nor take it as an insult. None of us are God and any of us could be wrong about many matters. If we are honest, we will admit that we have been wrong in life about many things. Lets smile, enjoy life, believe what we believe, but always keep an open mind and be willing to think and rethink what we believe. Always be a voyager on the ocean of life sailing towards a land, called truth. We should all seek the best, learn all we can, be open to all and accept those conclusions based on the real and true evidences of life. My best to you.

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