Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mysteries of the Bible (12)

The great mysteries of the Bible.   Anything that God puts His hand upon will always have some mystery.   We are finite humans made of dust and so limited and especially limited compared to Almighty God.  When I speak of mysteries of the Bible, I am talking about how we are on a journey, many things we see and understand but there are many things we do not see nor understand.   Think how you have driven down the highway and you look here and there.   You see many things, but you do not see all things.   Some things you see, but  you do not fully grasp all the details.   You are driving fast and moving down the road, and you are limited ast to what you can observe and see and digest.   Such is the Bible.   We see and digest much but never all.  Thus there is always that mystery of what we can never fully grasp and know.  But, even in that mystery there is the glory of God,  and it intrigues us and challenges us, and motivates us to reach farther and farther for His glory.

In our previous installments we set forth the argument for the inspiration and the glorious mystery of the Bible.   Here it is again:

If the Bible fully claims to be the book of God, exhibits complete and total historical accuracy from Genesis to Revelation, and if, it exhibits total scientific accuracy, (that is, when it speaks of anything related to Science, it always speaks in total accuracy),  is free of all errors and mistakes of any form, possess  a remarkable unity, has a world view that is true and unique to the age of the writings (Bible), contains within its pages predictions about the future that would be impossible for humans to know and that had clear and precise fulfillments (predictive prophecy), has a presentation of reality in life that is unique, true, and unknown to the times in which the books were written, and has other demonstrations that prove it is a book of divine (supernatural) origins, then it is indeed, THE WORD OF GOD.

The Bible does exhibit claims to be the  book of God, exhibits complete and total historical accuracy from Genesis to Revelation, it exhibits total scientific accuracy, (that is, when it speaks of anything related to Science, it always speaks in total accuracy),  is free of all errors and mistakes of any form, possess  a remarkable unity, has a world view that is true and unique to the age of the writings (Bible), contains within its pages,  predictions about the future that would be impossible for humans to know and that had clear and precise fulfillments  (predictive prophecy), has a presentation of reality in life that is unique, true, and unknown to the times in which the books were written, and has other demonstrations that prove it is a book of divine (supernatural) origins.

Therefore, the Holy Bible is most certainly, the Word of God!

Today, we consider how that the Bible exhibits a world view that is true and unique to the age of the writings (Bible).  The 1600 years in which the Bible was being written was an age of great wisdom and power.   However, it was an ancient time and many things of life and science and reality were not known by the world in which the Bible writers lived and wrote.  

In ages past, when the Bible was being written men had a view of "God" that was strange and weird to our modern day.   They had a view based more on themselves than reality.   Men held to many "gods" and described them with human traits and passions.   Even children were killed and sacrified to these "gods" of man's imagination.  The real truth about God is laid out in the Bible and today most of the world has adopted to a great degree that view of God, though with some exceptions.  The true God of the Bible demands exclusive worship and condemns human sacrifices.  When Bible writers wrote, the view of God they put forth was unknown and denied by the world.   It was a strange view and yet it was a true view and the only rational view that would work.    Bible writers would never know these things.   The only explanation is that God (a susperior mind) revealed it to them.

The Bible sets forth the true model of creation.   In ancient times when the Bible was being written men postulated all kinds of explanations for the origin of the earth that were silly, dangerous, and insane  The Bible puts forth valid facts that agree with known scientific laws today.   Of course, in the 20th century the world in many areas begain to adopt the evolutionary model.   However, evolution is just a theory and cannot be proved by known scientific law.  In the academic world men of renown on earth talk of humans coming from monkeys.   However, the Bible is still true.  Monkeys give birth to monkeys and humans give birth to humans.   The Bible taught and still teaches that each species  reproduces after its own kind.   The only way Bible writers in antiquity could know these things,  is if God (a all powerful intelligent being) revealed such to them.

The Bible sets forth the true perception of what man or humans are all about.   Ancient times and the theory of evolution present man in the "low" form.   The Bible presents man in a lofty form and that each human has a soul and is valuable and created by God.  Man is not just dirt but man has an immortal soul.   Our founding fathers of our beloved nation recognized this.   They beleived God gave to mankind the right of freedom.   Such freedom comes from God and not the state.   No government has a right to take it from any human.   True government exists not to give men freedom, for God has given men freedom. But,  true government exists only to recognize such freedom, and receives its authority from the people.  All races of humans are of God.   God has made of one blood all races of men so affirms the Word.  All humans have a duty to love thy neighbor.   The Bible presents a powerful, workable, and remarkable view of humans.   Bible writers had no such information at the time of the writing of the Bible.   Only a susperior mind who knows all things could have revealed such to them.

Only the Bible presents the real problem of the human race and life on this planet.   It is sin.  Yes, the Bible says spiritual forces are at work in this world.   There is good and there is evil.   Men and women have sinned and sin is the source of all sufferings and pain in this life.   The ancients had many strange explanations of sorrows and sufferings in life.   The Bible alone painted the true picture of the problem.   Pagan relgions left humans with no hope and in misery and often made all things worse.   The Bible paited a picture of hope and forgiveness, redemption, and salvation.   The Bible pictures a one, true, and loving God, who provides for humanity and gave His Son to die to save the world.   This concempt throughout the Bible is remarkable.  God loving humans and working to bless and save humanity was foreign to the minds of all humanity, when Bible writers wrote.   How did the writers know this?   The only way they could have known such was that it was revealed to them by the mighty mind of Almighty God.

As one looks at the times in which the Bible writers lived, it is remarkable how they avoided the errors and mistakes and ignorance of their times.   They wrote with one mind of a world that God knew and understood perfectly.   That God revealed such to the writers so they could write only the truth and avoid the mistakes of the age in which they lived.   Remarkable.

Yes, much more could be said.   Yet, we stand in awe of the mystery of the Bible in how it talks of reality, and of the world view it presents.  It is just remarkable and amazing, a true mystery in many ways!

Here are some resources  that will help you in your deeper study of this subject.  I do not necessarily agree with all in the following but I think overall there is much that can help contribute to a better understanding of this theme.

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