Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mysteries Of The Bible (10)

The great mysteries of the Bible!  Wow!   There are 66 books in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.   It is my dear friend.   I hope it is your dear friend.   It is my friend because  it came from my God, whom I love so very much.   It is one of His many gifts to me and to all the human race.  The Bible is of this world and yet, it is not of this world.  God used men to write it down so it could connect with all of us.   Yet, His Spirit directed the entire production.  The Spirit of God, a being not of this earth, directed the production of the Bible and approved every word written.   Amazing!  There is much we can know about the Bible, but there is also a cloud of mystery that hovers over the Bible,  and it is a marvelous thing to ponder.  The fingerprints of Almighty God are all over the Bible.

In this installment we look at the wonder and mystery of the perfection of the Bible, the fact that there are no errors,  nor mistakes of any form, anywhere in the Bible.   Amazing!   A Miracle of God.   A clear proof of its absolute inspiration.   No book on earth exhibits such absolute perfections.

I realize the Bible has its critics or attackers.   However, I believe all their objections and attacks can be met, head on and satisfied  with evidence and a reasonable explanation.   Again, as we said in an earlier post, we can prove that the Bible is the Word of God to every fair minded and honest individual.   Just like a lawyer who looks for an honest jury to hear a case, it is the same with the evidence for the inspiration of the Bible.    We look for honest people to evaluate the evidence.  We have full confidence that the Bible will always come out on top.

Here are some great books to read and study that will be a powerful help to you on this subject.  This subject is a very deep subject like so many other issues.   These books will get you started on a more detailed study of this theme.





As I mentioned before, the Bible is simple and yet very difficult, at the same time.   It is most profound and like the mighty Ocean, impossible to fully explore in your lifetime.   There will always be more to learn and see and discover.   Like the Universe and all the stars of heaven, you can never explore all of them.   We would expect such from a book that is of the Eternal God of the Universe.

Do not allow the difficulties of the Bible to scare you off.   Rather, stand in amazement of the Great God who gave you the Bible.   Do not fear the attackers of the Bible.   There will always be scoffers or unbelievers who have hard hearts and closed eyes.   Truth has nothing to fear,  and the truth is this, The Bible is God's Word and it is perfect, without mistakes.

The above mentioned books will survey with you all the main attacks the unbelievers throw at the Bible.  In these books you will find clear evidences and information to help you understand and clear up such attacks and defeat them.

There are alleged contradictions in the Bible.   Notice, I said "alleged".   There are hard passages and books, and men often think they have found a contraction or mistake.   They are "alleged" but not proven.   We can deal with them all and show a reasonable explanation and give supporting data to close  the attack down.  Have no fear in the attackers of the Bible.

We stand boldly and affirm, THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD.  When men attack the Bible, it usually flows from one of the following sources.

1.  A lack of knowledge and understanding of the Bible.   Many critics do not even know the Bible, and have not even read the Bible.   They misrepresent  the Bible because they do not know the Bible.

2.  Many are not fair and honest with Scripture.   As I have mentioned before, we look for those who will be fair and honest with the evidence.

3.  Often attackers of the Bible are guilty of falsely accusing the Bible of things that are laughable.  They take Bible verses out of context and twist the Bible to say things that have never been said.   In a court of law such attacks would be inadmissible as evidence.

4.  Critics of the Bible fail to understand the unity of the Bible and all 66 books.   No one book is giving you all information.   You must look at the entire whole to get the complete story.

5.  The attackers fail to see the many changes that take place in the Bible.   From the Law in the OT given in ancient times to the days of John on the Island of Patmos in AD 95, there are many changes in life,  and the world during those centuries.   One should examine the Bible in its historical context, and not take passages outside of that context to try to prove something that is just not there.

6.  Finally, we might as well say it, some attackers of the Bible are just hard hearted and have their mind made up and will not listen to anything that is said.   If such were a prospective juror in a trial, both sides of the case would quickly dismiss them.   They are trouble and are a loaded gun, that could go any direction.   Their minds are made up and thus they are just not honest (at least not honest with the evidence regarding the Bible).

The evidence for the inspiration of the Bible is persuasive  but not coercive.  God made it this way to test the true spirit of the person's heart.   There is more mystery to the Bible then we shall ever know.   As we peer into the Bible, it is looking back at us to search our hearts, this is the Spirit of God moving through the words of the Bible into your very soul!  Amazing!

All attacks of the Bible can and will fit into one of the six areas listed above.  God help all to be honest and open minded so we can  find truth.

In our previous installments we set forth the argument for the inspiration and the glorious mystery of the Bible.   Here it is again:

If the Bible fully claims to be the book of God, exhibits complete and total historical accuracy from Genesis to Revelation, and if, it exhibits total scientific accuracy, (that is, when it speaks of anything related to Science, it always speaks in total accuracy),  is free of all errors and mistakes of any form, possess  a remarkable unity, has a world view that is true and unique to the age of the writings (Bible), contains within its pages predictions about the future that would be impossible for humans to know and that had clear and precise fulfillments (predictive prophecy), has a presentation of reality in life that is unique, true, and unknown to the times in which the books were written, and has other demonstrations that prove it is a book of divine (supernatural) origins, then it is indeed, THE WORD OF GOD.

The Bible does exhibit claims to be the  book of God, exhibits complete and total historical accuracy from Genesis to Revelation, it exhibits total scientific accuracy, (that is, when it speaks of anything related to Science, it always speaks in total accuracy),  is free of all errors and mistakes of any form, possess  a remarkable unity, has a world view that is true and unique to the age of the writings (Bible), contains within its pages,  predictions about the future that would be impossible for humans to know and that had clear and precise fulfillments  (predictive prophecy), has a presentation of reality in life that is unique, true, and unknown to the times in which the books were written, and has other demonstrations that prove it is a book of divine (supernatural) origins.

Therefore, the Holy Bible is most certainly, the Word of God!

We have dealt with the fourth line of the argument in this article.   The Bible is free of all errors and mistakes of any form.  The Bible is absolutely, PERFECT!

When you hold the Bible in your hand, you are holding a miracle.   A message not completely of this earth.   A message from God Himself!   Amazing, wonderful, and filled with awesome Mystery!

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