Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Blessing America!


President, John F. Kennedy, said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".    We live in a time in which so many are asking what America can do for them.   Their hand is outstretched and they feel they are owed something.   Gone is the day in which anyone talks of sacrifice, duty, and honor.   Our beloved nation has many problems and it is desperate for men and women of good report to stand and give their all to heal our land.

For generations we have overspent and thus have wrecked our economy and any propsects for a grand future.   We have swept many problems under the rug hoping they would just go away, and yet they are still here and bigger than ever.   We are a nation of too much crime, too much divorce, too much alcohol, too much sex, too much entertainment, too much recreation, too much of drugs and other addictions, too much anger, too much hate, too much stealing, too much cursing, too much of immorality, and too much of just about everything.   One thing we are lacking, is hard work and discipline.   The displine that comes with saying no and enough is enough.   We need brave men and women more than ever to stand and stand foursquare for common sense and truth.

What can you do for America?   Now that is a novel idea.   To ask what you can do and be willing to help your country.   We need more asking this question.

Here are some answers to this question.  First, you can pray for your country.   Pray for all that lead and for all citizens that all will stand for God and truth and decency and wisdom.   Second, you can be a diligent communicator to our leaders of what is good and right for the nation.   Third, you can get involved in various civic groups to promote freedom and a sound national economy.   Fourth, you can always vote and vote yoru conscience for the betterment of our nation.   Fifth, you can volunteer time to help some organization better the lives of our people for good.   Sixth, you can urge others to think about our country and be willing to make sacrifices to safeguard our future.   Seventh, you can support our military by prayer and good wishes when you see military personnel.   Tell them how much you appreciate them.   Look for their famlies and adopt one to help and encourage them.   Eighth, you can be a Christian.   Faithful Christians living for Jesus are the cornerstone of freedom.  Ninth, you can study and keep up with the great issues of our day.   An informed electorate is the bulwark of liberty.   Tenth, you can fight.   Fight hard for freedom and good in our beloved land.   Never give up and never surrender to the forces that would destroy our grand Republic.   Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

So many have sacrified so much for generations to give us this beloved Nation.   Let us be thnkful for all that has gone before and resolved that we too will stand  and be counted as Patriots of this most wonderful Nation.  It would be a shame to loose all we hold dear and all that has been fought for, for so long.  

So, this July 4th, stand tall and salute the flag and pledge allegience to this great Nation once again.   Be proud to be an American and be proud to be a citizen of the greatest Nation on earth.   A Nation that for over 200 years has been the safeguard of world freedom and the light on a hill shining bright for humanity.  

On the eastern shores of our Nation stands a great lady, here are her words to the world. 

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of you teamming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Oh, what a Nation, oh indeed, What A Nation!   God bless America!


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