Sunday, July 28, 2013

Suggestion # 15 On Bible Study

 Suggestion #15 On Studying The Bible: To build a great marriage is an awesome adventure. One man and one woman working hard to build something great. Paul discusses Christ and the Church and then compares it to the beauty of the marriage relationship (Eph. 5:21ff).   I wish for all a happy and loving marriage.

Here is something that can really help build a lasting marriage. Daily, take a little time to sit together and read the Bible together and pray together. Each of you can take turns reading out loud the sacred text and each of you praying. It is a beautiful scene.

For example, take the gospel of Mark and rotate back and forth reading five verses at a time out loud. Then talk about the passage and what it means and how it might touch your life. Then pray, pray, pray.

By doing this, you are adding a spiritual dimension to your marriage. Marriages that have this strong spiritual connection tend to have less strife and more deeper emotion. Marriages with this spiritual aspect tend to endure through the years.

Marriage indeed, has a spiritual connection. It was designed by God for the benefit and good of humanity. It is guarded by God in sacred principles taught throughout the Bible.

Marriage is under intense attack today by Satan and the demons of hell. Many humans are volunteering to serve Satan and destroy marriages. You can overcome this by adding a strong spiritual, defensive shield to your marriage. It starts with daily Bible reading and prayer, together. I assure you this will work. One year of doing this and you will see a tremendous difference in your marriage.

God bless you in your marriage and I urge you to resolve, to walk with God.  Both husband and wife , walking with God!

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