Wednesday, July 16, 2014



TIME is such a powerful word.    If I were to give a list of words to describe the Almighty I would have to put on the list the word, TIME.   God is the essence of true time.   He has no beginning and no end.   That is the true measure of God.   He is eternal.   We can never quite get our arms around such a concept.   For us time is well stated on the grave stones at every cemetery in the world.    There is the birth date and there is the death date.   There is the beginning and there is the end.   It is time.

We are reminded of this limitation of our existence on a minute by minute basis.  Around the world nearly 107 people die every minute.  One day it will be me and it will be you who make up one of the 107 who die in that minute.   That is a sobering thought.

But, back to God.   He has no beginning and He has no ending.   The Bible tells of what He did in one week and what has been the results of that week.   The first two chapters of Genesis tell of His creative work in this physical universe.    However, what did God do with all that time before the creation week?    What about now?   Is God fixated on this physical universe and nothing else?   Or, does God have other things He is engaged in that we have no way of knowing nor understanding?  Interesting questions.   But, we shall never know the depths of the Almighty GOD!

TIME is such an interesting word.   It is a word that moves through the universe and into every single cell of the human body.    The clock of life is ticking, ever ticking and it is moving us all forward. 
When you clear your mind and mediate on the vastness of human history that has gone before,  and that is possible for future generations,  you come to the conclusion of something mysterious and marvelous that is going on minute by minute.   Life is happening and life is of God!  We have a purpose for being here for the minutes that are given us.   That purpose above all purposes is to glorify God.   We are to seek Him, find Him, and embrace Him.   When we do that we have found our ancient calling.

Once my heart ceases to beat,  my eternal spirit moves on to a place that God has prepared.   For me and for all, a moment after death,  TIME takes on a new dimension.    To be in a world that is not measured by time and its ever changing fortunes will be something glorious.   In this time capsule that I am now in, it is impossible to fathom.   But, once I have arrived on the other side of time, then I shall see more clearly what now is only a thick fog.

TIME is something that now controls our lives.   But, in glory, time loses its power.
Where are you?  What are you?  What are you doing with your time?  Connect yourself with the Almighty and you shall never be a slave of time again!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

Revelation 22:13:  "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom."  (Isa. 40:28).

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