Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Goats

I was reminded of when I inspected a house for an Insurance Company. When I arrived, I heard the sound of goats. I walked to the back and in a fenced area behind their house they had over 100 goats. It was in a nice housing area just outside of a major town. I asked if the neighbors complained and she said, "Not that I know of". I asked, "Do you eat them?". She said, "Oh no, we love them too much". I asked, "Do you breed them and sell them?"...and she said, "Oh no, we just them too much". I asked, "Do you sell their milk?". She said, "Oh no, it is too painful for them to be milked." She then said, "Its a big problem. They keep producing more and more babies. They inbreed too much and that will cause a corrupted generation. We try to keep the brothers and sisters from each other but it is impossible." I threw up my hands and declared, "Oh My, what can be done?" She said, "We just do not know, pray for us." I shall never forget this lady and her goats. There are stories of life everywhere to be found. LOL.

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