Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I pray for the peace of Israel.  I see where Hamas is attacking Israel day and night with missiles  and rockets designed to kill as many Jewish people as possible.    Hamas refuses to recognize the State of Israel.   They refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist.  They adhere to a policy of death to all Jews.    It reminds you of Hitler and the Nazi's who sought the extermination of the Jews in Germany and Europe and eventually all of the world.    Such is the evil of humanity.   Israel is smart and tough and has the power to wipe out Hamas from the Gaza Strip but Israel has shown restraint However, Hamas is giving Israel no choice but to invade Gaza and end this nightmare for its people.
We as Americans share much with the nation of Israel.   We share common values of freedom and respect for human life.    We share common ethical values rooted in the Judeo Christian ethics  Bible.   Israel is one of the few nations in the Middle East that is sane and rational and that our nation can reason with.

From a Christian standpoint we all owe much to faithful Jewish people.    Jesus Christ was in the flesh a Jew.   Joseph and Mary, the parents of Jesus in the flesh were Jewish.   Peter and Paul, the great Apostles were Jewish.   It was Jewish Christians that gave us the NT and spread Christianity to all the world.   We owe them much and love their memory. 

I believe God has made clear that Israel will always be until the end of the world.    They are hardened in that as a people today in the 21st  Century, they have refused to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior from sin.   However, they exists there as a living testament to the truthfulness of all the Bible.   Their history is wondrous, glorious and even mysterious.   The world today does not know quite what to do with them.

I pray for the peace of Israel.   I pray for all of the Middle East.   I pray all could live together in love and peace.   The greatest person who ever walked the earth, Jesus Christ was born there and He came to give love and peace to all.  

The Jews today like all people of the world can be saved from their sins through Jesus Christ our Lord.   I pray for their physical safety and I pray for their spiritual salvation.    There is such evil aligned against them.    All who love good and seek peace should help Israel survive and overcome this present evil aggression.

* Allen Ashlock, 2014

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