Wednesday, July 16, 2014



For over 40 years I have studied the history of America.    I have noticed some identifying characteristics of great leaders.   Here they are:

1.  Successful  leaders have wisdom.   They are able to see way down the road the consequences of decisions made today.

2.  Successful leaders have courage.   Despite criticism and attacks they will stay true and firm to their convictions.

3.  Successful leaders are good communicators.   They know what they believe and effectively express such to the people.

4.  Successful leaders are leaders.   They can work with others to get things done.    They know the difference between principle and methodology.   They are able to negotiate with others to achieve something good.

5.  Successful leaders are good negotiators.  A leader may be elected to office.  But he/she realizes that others were elected for their office as well.    A good leader realizes even though he/she may have been elected to an office that not all voted for them.   They must work to represent all the people and bring people together.  

6.  Successful leaders take as a sacred duty the office that they hold.    They realize that in a free society that they as leaders have the solemn duty to serve well and serve with honor.

7.  Successful leaders realize it is never about themselves but it is about the people they serve and principles upon which they stand.  They are leaders of faith in God and the Bible and given to fervent prayer.

We are living in a time in which there exists a famine of leadership.   This drought of leadership is to be found in education, business, government, religion, and the home.  There are many reasons why we as a people face such a leadership vacuum.   But, above all I feel the major reason for the void in leadership is spiritual.   When you destroy the foundations all will fall upon you.    A solid foundation of faith in God, the Bible, righteousness, human rights, and liberty builds a great nation.   God bless America!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"  (Psa. 11:3).

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