Monday, June 23, 2014



Can we read and read the Bible and never see its true message? Yes, oh yes and it happens all the time. Every human who has ever read any of the Bible must admit I read and understood something wrong. I failed to see the true message.

Even preachers trained by others can often see the Bible only through the eyes of their teachers and their influence. Certain "preaching schools" among us especially are prone to have a certain view of Scripture and they program all their preachers who then go out and preach and sell that warped view of Scripture to others. Once programed it is hard to break free from such thinking and attitudes.
Congregations given a certain diet of preaching and only exposed to preachers and teachers often develop a tradition and reputation for that warped view of Scripture. Instead of being known for Jesus and His Love they are known for this and that legalistic doctrine. For a congregation to break free from this usually requires new elderships or leadership and then bringing in preachers with a closer connection to the message of Jesus Christ in its purity. Such changes in congregations usually only comes after many years of trial, pain and division. God only knows the number of lost souls that come from such legalistic congregations.
"Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God." (Matt. 22:29). Jesus said this to men who had studied the Scriptures all their lives. They were doctorates of the Law of God. However, Jesus said they failed to really know the scriptures and that they did not perceive the power of God. Amazing! We too can do the same. This is a clear warning to preachers and all who teach the Word and to all Christians. Are you reading and studying to learn the real truth of God. Or, are you in your study just reading to confirm what you already believe and thus you are missing out on many treasures of the Bible.

How can we read and study better? First, approach your study with fervent prayer. Second, develop a militant humble mind. Open your mind and clear your mind. Third, discipline your mind to be a student with the scientific model. You consider all possibilities and draw only those conclusions warranted by the evidence. Study the Bible by the Academic method. You must seek study by exhaustive research. Many just do surface reading and never do the real digging of the Word of God. Too many are unwilling to do the serious study of the Word. When they do read the Bible and study they only consult sources and references that reinforce their preconceived notions. This is a most dangerous path. Fourth, study with a courageous mind. Be willing to change your mind and thinking when you learn better. Fifth, study with an obedient mind. Be willing to fully obey the real truth you have learned.

May God bless us all in our study of the greatest book in the world. All Christians should imitate Acts 17:11: "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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