Monday, June 23, 2014



We can have the facts of the Word but wrap it up and present it in such a fashion as to be a corrupted message. It is not only important to be right in your facts but to be right in your presentation and emphasis.

Two cooks can cook the same meal having the same ingredients and yet the results be opposite of each other. Why? One may have true wisdom in cooking and one may not. There is a difference in knowledge and wisdom. Knowle...dge is the accumulation of facts. Wisdom is the proper discernment and use of such facts. We need more wisdom.

Even the beloved Apostle declared, "But speaking the truth in love, ..." (Eph. 4:15). It is not enough to speak the truth but people must see that it is presented in love.

Again, the Apostle declared that we might go through all the right motions and do all the right things but if it is not motivated by love then it is all vain (I Cor. 13:1ff).

In presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ we must remember that it should be packaged and wrapped in the beauty of LOVE. This mean to have a sincere love for people and seek to understand people. Seek to understand where people come from and why they are the way they are. Show sympathy and mercy for the human condition. Give unto them love and mercy and give them your hand to pull them up and help them. Remember, you can cite verses all day about how all should do this and do that and how shameful it is that people do things they do. There must be admonition and encouragement. There must be effective communication and persuasive communications. Paul said, "we persuade men" (2 Cor. 5:11). Grace is God's response to sinful man through Jesus Christ our Lord. No one is ever going to be perfect in all things. Sin will dog you all the days of your life. However, Grace through the blood of Christ will forgive you of all sin!
Study Jesus Christ and how He dealt with people. Are you teaching and talking to people the way Jesus would? His harshest words were for those Pharisees who were driven by law and tradition and having no mercy whatsoever on humanity. For all the masses of sinners Jesus showed the most loving and tender mercy. As a result the people loved Him and the masses followed Him.
Tradition is hard to break and overcome. There is a tradition that is deep rooted in so many churches and perpetuated by many preachers. It is the path of harsh judgment and the beating up on people with the Bible instead of showing people by the Bible the abundant life that Jesus offers (Jn. 10:10).
May God bless us with the Savior's Heart!

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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