Monday, June 23, 2014


Christian Growth

Communication is a tricky business. No one ever fully masters such. That is because every human being is unique and has his/her own subjective thought processes and experiences.

A person can often respond negatively to something that is different than what they have heard before. They become angry and defensive and go on the attack. Another reads the same piece and is encouraged and their eyes opened to some truth they had neglected.

One may dislike the writer and seek to impugn the motives of that writer without ever even talking to him/her. We all should be most cautious in judging the heart and motives of others.

Just because you read something that is different and challenges your preconceived beliefs does not mean that such is a bad thing. I can think of no Biblical thought or word that we as humans can fully exhaust. Grace is an amazing subject and as deep as the deepest spot in the Ocean floor. Faith is rich and full and stands as high as the highest mountain on earth. Love is complicated and powerful and more powerful than all the nuclear weapons on earth. Jesus, well, all I can say is WOW! Who among us will fully comprehend the Master? The Holy Spirit is another subject so profound that we shall study such all our lives and never master the topic. The church is another subject rich and full and is bigger than our vast universe. A good dose of humility is needed among Christians as we journey in this life. Only in such humility can we grow and learn.

Many are safe in their little box and there they wish to remain. They do not wish to journey outside their box for anything new or different. Many preachers never study but lazy in their intellect find solace in preconceived concepts and rally others of like mind to support them in their ideology. These small minded groups and churches never truly grow spiritually and remain small groups of rather insignificance on the world stage.

I have often heard men pray in church that we might grow in number and that we might grow spiritually? Interesting! Most grasp the growth in number and focus on that. But, what is it to grow spiritually? Could it not include growing in spiritual knowledge and wisdom? Could it not include changing your mind about many things when finally proven wrong? Could it be to journey into unknown lands of knowledge and wisdom? Could it be to finally apply the truths we already know? Many fight over this and that doctrine but in reality never comprehend the depths of love, kindness, mercy, and grace. Fascinating!

God bless us on our journey toward heaven and may we all grow, grow, and grow!

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen." (2 Pet. 3:18).

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

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