Friday, June 20, 2014



My heart aches for those who face the sorrows of divorce. However, for some it is not a sorrowful experience. I have had more than one in my office over the years who with great joy announced to me they were divorcing thei...r husband or wife. They were sick of the pain and wanted to end it. But overall, most of us can agree divorce is a sad thing. If one could rewind every marriage back to day one you would see such joy and love. Something went wrong and now the judge says, "Divorce granted".

Here are some thoughts to help married couples avoid divorce.

1. Both husband and wife should seek to be Christians and dedicated to serving Jesus Christ. Not all will do this but for those that will it will help guard and protect your marriage. It will give such marriages a strength unknown to those couples who are not committed to the blessed Lord.

2. Engage in fervent prayer and Bible study. For a man and woman to set together in the quietness of their bedroom or house and hold hands and fervently pray is a beautiful thing. To open the Bible together and read and study together will enrich your marriage in wondrous ways. Divorce finds a difficult time in entering the home of a man and woman who pray and study the Bible often, together.

3. Be faithful in worship with the family of God. Cultivate good friends among fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Good associations of those of like precious faith can solidify your marriage and keep the grim reaper of divorce away from your home.

4. Develop solid communications with each other. Be sure to talk about everything to each other. Share your life with your husband and wife. Take time to build a close and loving relationship.

5. Keep your eyes to your husband or wife and only to them. Others can tell if you are shopping around. A man devoted to his wife stands out of the crowd and he will never play with the fire of flirtation and impure thoughts that will only lead to the divorce court. Be true to each other and guard such with all your being.

6. Tell each other often how much you love each other. Kiss and hold each other and share the physical affection of love. Never take this for granted. Rejoice in the love of each other. Here are magic words that can move mountains: "I am sorry", "Please forgive me", and "I love you". Be willing to say these words often.

7. Never attack or criticize each other before other people. Keep your differences to yourselves. Never attack each other before other family members or people you know. Shameful. Never allow relatives or anyone to attack your beloved in your presence. Stand by each other. Remember, if your marriage lasts your beloved is the one that will be with you when you breathe your last, holding your hand and shedding the most sincere tears at your death. Treasure your beloved.

8. Remember your primary task in your marriage is to get to heaven and to help in all ways to get your beloved to heaven. Marriage at its core has a most wondrous spiritual connection. A good marriage is a powerful contributing force to move you toward heaven.

9. Never forget that your marriage when solid and true will be a magnificent example to your children. Your marriage and relationship can help your dear children grow up and have good marriages and relationships. Even after you both are gone to glory, your marriage will stand as a most powerful monument before your children of true love, faithful to the end. Your devotion to each other will inspire your children to the end of their days as well as future generations. You devoted marriage could indeed keep much evil away from future generations.

10. Finally, and most important, solicit God as a partner in your marriage to help you. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit can do more to safeguard your marriage than any force on earth. There is a spiritual power so glorious and amazing and it can surround you and fill you and bless you as nothing else in life. Build your marriage on God and your marriage will avoid the divorce court.

God bless all married couples and God help you to rise to greatness in being a husband or a wife.

*Allen Ashlock, 2014

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." - Ecclesiastes 4:12

- Understanding that two is stronger than one is one thing. But, understanding two together united with one God is even stronger! The three cords represent a husband, a wife, and God. These three form a close relationship that is not easily broken.


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