Thursday, August 29, 2013

Shopping For Beliefs (?)


Shopping For Beliefs (?)

Beliefs are like all the items at Walmart. You move through the store of ideas and down every aisle. We see thousands upon thousands of ideas or beliefs that we may purchase.

However, do not be deceived. Some items or beliefs are not what you need or they will serve no real purpose in your life. Just like you cannot go to Walmart and buy every item you see, so you cannot embrace every belief system of this earth. You must make selections based on what you can afford and what you need. You must use discernment and make choices in the selection of ideas and beliefs that you will embrace.

Sometimes people enter Walmart and make purchases of all kinds of things they do not really need. Soon these things are found in the trash and are no more. The ideas of men come and go. However, there are products that serve you well and for many years. So there are ideas and beliefs that are good and solid and have real value and will serve you all your life.

The Word tells us, as you shop for the ideas and beliefs that are presented before you, seek out the truth, the real truth, and buy it. Once you have it, never sell it, never let go of it. Beware, just as in a store selling things, so in the realm of beliefs, there is the fake and the fraud. There is the imitation. Do not settle for a imitation but look for the real and the genuine.

Beware of salesmen selling junk for a high price. Beware of salesmen selling things that are of no real value to your life but could even be harmful. Both in the world and in the church there exists the charlatan. They stand in pulpits everywhere and they deceive people. Entire churches can fall prey to these pretenders of truth and at the end of the day, leave you with a bag of junk that only frustrates you and leaves you empty and destroyed. Some of the deceivers will try to sell you junk for a high price, equating such junk with the real value of real truth. Others, will take the real truth or the real values and try to make you think you can buy such very cheaply. Beware of their hidden disclosures and fine print. Do not be deceived.

"Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding."
Proverbs 23:23

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