Monday, July 22, 2013

Mysteries Of The Bible (16)

Here we are, at the 16th installment in our series.   I know this series may not be what some were thinking.   I am not here to be playing games with science fiction.   I truly believe the Bible is of God and perfect.   I believe the major thrust of the Word can be understood.  However, since it is of God, there are great mysteries in it.   No man shall ever fathom the FULL greatness of God nor of anything He has produced, including the Bible.

We have dealt with various topics more in the peripheral of the Bible.   One will never know the Bible, if all one knows is the Bible.   One can know all about the Bible and never know the Bible.   So, there is balance.   All that has been presented previously has paved the way for our great journey, in the GREAT MYSTERIES OF THE BIBLE.

The articles that will follow will be on these themes:



The Holy Spirit









God's Purpose

These topics shadow all the Bible and must be understood to some level or nothing will make sense.   However, we caution.   With these great topics we enter a realm of knowledge vast and deep as the Mariana Trench, which is the deepest part of the world's oceans   It is 6.831 miles deep.  Wow!  If Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth, were placed at this location it would be covered by over one mile of water.  Wow!  Wow!  That is very deep.   That does not begin to describe how deep are the above themes we have mentioned.

The Bible brings forth vast themes.   Rich and powerful!  Challenging and sometimes overwhelming!   It is the Word of God!

We shall take each topic and move through them one by one and survey some of the highlights.   We shall never cover all that is known of each one and could never begin to ponder completely  the unfathomable riches of the Word relative to these topics.

So, hang on, fasten your seat belts, for we are about to begin a wondrous journey into the glory and majesty of divine knowledge.   God be praised!  Pictures on this article are from the Mariana Trench website.   Glorious.  And, very deep,  just as these topics we are exploring.

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